Mission to North America (MNA) is charged by the General Assembly with coordinating the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) disaster response in the US and Canada. This vital mission is accomplished through disaster preparedness awareness & training in advance of disaster events and by providing support in response to disaster events. Preparedness training is conducted regularly through local and PCA-wide events.
MNA Disaster Response provides support to PCA churches in disaster-affected communities through a network of staff and volunteer damage assessment teams, first response teams, site managers, and key leaders. MNA recruits and mobilizes volunteers, receives and distributes supplies and equipment, brings awareness of specific needs, channels recovery funds, focuses prayer and provides spiritual encouragement to our PCA family and their communities.
Prayer Requests:

  • Ask for God’s wisdom in the on-going work of the ministry. May He guide us in how best to serve and meet the needs of those impacted by disasters. May He also guide us in how to grow this ministry to meet the ever-increasing demands of disaster response!
  • Pray for the safety and good health of our staff as we reach out in mercy to those impacted by disasters; pray for unity and encouragement and strength for our staff.
  • Pray for the successful recruitment of volunteers and key leaders for the nationwide network of disaster responders.
  • Pray that more churches and presbyteries would make it a priority to prepare their churches for the certain coming disasters and to be ready to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel through both word and deed through disaster response.
  • Pray for God’s provisions to sustain this ministry as well as to grow and develop an even stronger, more effective ministry.
  • Pray for a positive and cooperative spirit on the part of federal, state and local resources and agencies as this ministry works in cooperation with them to help those in need.
  • Pray for the volunteer teams as they respond and minister to victims of disaster; pray for their travel, health, protection and provision.
  • Pray for God’s help and His sustaining presence for victims of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires and other catastrophes, both man-made and natural. May He touch their lives with healing and hope. We ask that they might see His magnanimous love in the midst of all the pain and loss.
  • Pray that for all those impacted by disasters that those who do not know Christ might come to know Him and for those who are already in Him, that their faith would be strengthened.
  • Praise God for the opportunity to Glorify Him through the ministry of MNA Disaster Response!