Sunday, March 9th
Sunday's Message

Last Chance to Buy MegaTickets!!

Service Project THIS Sunday!
Upcoming Events and Ministry News
Please click the button below to access the Pinewood Church calendar, and see a full daily schedule of our ministry activities and events.

March Life Change Missionaries

Russell and Amanda Jeffares
Knox and Watts
Grace for Ireland
Serge Ministries
Serge Ministries
- Pray for the Serge Ireland Vision and Prayer Summit this summer. We are hosting 45 American adults to see what God is doing in Ireland, connect with pastors and churches around Ireland, and to spend time praying for the advancement of the gospel in Ireland!
- Pray for Summer Encounter Internship (in partnership with CUI, an Irish college ministry) for university students. Russell and Amanda are overseeing the program this year as the new team leaders.They have 9 American interns and now recruiting Irish university age interns. Pray for Irish interest!
- Pray for Amanda and Russell as they continue to lead the Serge Leinster team. Please pray for wisdom and grace.
- Pray for Russell & Amanda’s financial support. They had a good end-of-year giving but are still behind and in a financial deficit. They will receive a temporary salary cut and will have to start devoting significant time to fundraising until things are better.
- Pray for Watts (15) who is in his JR exam year. Pray for Knox (17) as he is engaging in work experiences, taking special trips, serving in the community, as well doing regular school work.

If you are interested in receiving a weekly prayer news email so that you can join us in prayer from home, please visit the link below. This prayer email is only available to members and regular attenders of Pinewood Church.
Our Prayer Intercessory Team is always looking for additional Prayer Warriors to pray at Pinewood on Wednesday mornings. More information on joining this team can be found by following this link.
Our Prayer Intercessory Team is always looking for additional Prayer Warriors to pray at Pinewood on Wednesday mornings. More information on joining this team can be found by following this link.
Financial Updates
As a reminder, if you have questions or changes to make regarding your giving to Pinewood, please contact Joy Layman at [email protected]. We are thankful to Bill for his many years of service at Pinewood, and so grateful for Joy assuming the role as Director of Finance!

Stay Connected and Get Resources

In order for our messaging system through Breeze to remain in compliance with new regulations, all members who would like to continue receiving text messages must text YES to 87447.
If you have any questions, or you are not opted in to receive text messages and you would like to be, please contact Amanda Chesney, Director of Communications and Member Relations, at [email protected].